Deductible Reimbursement

Home Protection Plan PLUS 

Home Deductible Reimbursement 

We will reimburse the covered Member for a Loss that occurs during the Coverage Period to the Member’s Primary Residence or Personal Effects, equal to the deductible limit shown on the Member’s Home Insurance policy or up to a maximum of $2,500 per claim, whichever is less. Coverage is effective from the date of the Member’s enrollment. Only one (1) Home Deductible Reimbursement benefit will be paid per claim occurrence, and only one (1) claim per Member will be paid per twelve (12) month period. 

Home Glass Breakage 

If during the Coverage Period, a window is broken at a Member’s Principal Residence, Home Glass Breakage will reimburse the Member up to $200 to replace the broken window. Coverage is limited to two (2) claims per twelve (12) month period. 

Home Lockout 

If during the Coverage Period, the Member is locked out from their Principal Residence, Home Lockout Reimbursement will reimburse up to $100 for a licensed locksmith to allow the Member to enter their Principal Residence. Coverage is limited to two (2) lockouts per twelve (12) month period. 

Appliance/Electronic Repair Reimbursement 

After thirty (30) days from the effective date of membership, the Member is eligible to receive a fifty percent (50%) reimbursement of the payment made to a repair facility to repair an Appliance or piece of Electronic Equipment that is located in the Member’s Primary Residence during the Coverage Period. The repair and repair payment must occur thirty (30) days after the effective date of the membership.

Appliance means an electrical device owned by you that is plugged into the house’s electrical system and is located within the interior of your Primary Residence including the attached garage. Appliances include: cooktops, dishwashers, dryers, freezers, microwave ovens, ranges, refrigerators, trash compactors, vacuums, warming drawers, washers, and wine coolers. 

Electronic Equipment means electronic devices owned by you and located within the interior of your Primary Residence including the attached garage. Electronic equipment includes: desktop and laptop computers, tablets, digital video recorders, DVD players, garage door openers, home audio components, laptop computers, power tools, televisions, and television receivers.

The maximum repair reimbursement amount the Member can receive per claim occurrence is $500. The maximum repair reimbursement amount the Member can receive per twelve (12) month period is $1,000.

Appliance/Electronic Repair Reimbursement 

We will reimburse the covered Member, up to a maximum of $1,000 per claim occurrence, in the event that the Member’s Primary Residence becomes uninhabitable during the Coverage Period due to events beyond the Member’s control. These events are limited to break-in, Theft, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, flood, fire, landslide and mandatory evacuation. 

1 claim per 12-mo period / 10 nights at $100 each up to $1,000

We will also reimburse the covered Member, up to a maximum of $1,200 per claim occurrence, for lodging expenses in the event of: 

1 claim per 12-mo period / 12 nights at $100 each up to $1,200

All Vehicle Protection Plan 

All Vehicle Deductible Reimbursement 

If the Member suffers a Loss during the benefit period which is covered by the Member’s Vehicle Insurance Policy, the Member may be entitled to reimbursement of the Vehicle Insurance Policy deductible amount up to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1000) per Loss. To be eligible for reimbursement the Member must own or lease and insure the Covered Vehicle under an Vehicle Insurance Policy designating the Member as the Vehicle Policy Named Insured. The Vehicle Deductible Reimbursement Benefit Does Not Apply If: 

20% All Vehicle Repair Reimbursement 

Vehicle means personal vehicle owned by you or a family member residing in the members primary household and used for personal use. After thirty (30) days from the effective date of membership, the member is eligible to receive a twenty percent (20%) reimbursement of the payment made to repair a vehicle owned by the member or a family member residing in the member's primary residence. Reimbursements are limited to twenty percent (20%) of the repair payment up to five hundred dollars ($500) per repair. The maximum amount the member can receive during a twelve (12) month membership period is one thousand dollars ($1,000). The reimbursement amount is excess of any other coverage available which would include but not be limited to: a manufacturer's warranty, extended warranty, vehicle insurance, credit card benefit, etc. What Repair Reimbursement Does Not Include: 

Emergency Travel 

If your Auto suffers a Disablement and cannot be driven safely under its own power, and subject to the Terms and Conditions of this benefit, you are entitled to be reimbursed a maximum benefit of $100 per night, up to a maximum of five (5) nights per twelve (12) month period for lodging expenses. The benefit only applies to overnight lodging where the Member has to pay for the room (e.g. hotel motel, bed & breakfast, YMCA, etc.) and has the receipt or other documentation showing the name of the lodging facility, date(s) stayed and amount paid. You are also entitled to be reimbursed a maximum benefit of $100 per day, up to a maximum of five (5) days per twelve (12) month period for meals. The benefit only applies to meals where the Member has to pay for the meal(s) and has the receipt or other documentation showing the name of the restaurant, date(s) of the meal(s) and amount(s) paid. Exclusions: 

ID Theft Restoration

with ID Theft Restoration, you now have the peace of mind of knowing that a professional is standing ready to help restore your good name if identity theft strikes

Warranty Vault

Help protect your purchases . . . the Warranty Vault makes it quick and convenient! Warranty Vault provides an on-line storage & organizing service that helps You to take full advantage of Your warranties for consumer products you have purchased. With minimal keystrokes, you can enter, upload & store vital information about your warranty(s) and access this information 24/7 at one central location.

This summary is a brief overview of the program and is not to be considered a full disclosure of policy terms. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for complete forms, conditions, limitations, definitions, and exclusions. 

Products offered by AssurancePlus